Monday, March 2, 2009


Hi God,

It's me again. I know You know what You're doing, but it doesn't help that I don't ever seem to know what You're up to. As You know J and I broke up 4 days ago. And while I feel a sense of peace about the whole thing, I still wonder how we got to this place. 6 days ago everything was fine. I was on cloud nine, or so I thought. All I know now is that I'm sad at times, happy most of the time, and miss the companionship a lot of the time. I know You're here with me, but I don't see You and I can't say I always feel You. I know that in time things will get better and that You know the plans you have for me and guide my steps. I know deep down that You did what was best for me, but it doesn't mean I always know it in my head or feel it in my heart. Lord I ask you for strength to get me through this rough time in my life and remind me that somewhere out there, You're working on the perfect man for me.

I love You God,